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Relationship/Quotes on love/ best of quotes in relationship.

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  • The state of being in love helps us create an illusory world where we are exclusively loved and valued. we love those who make us feel good and avoid those who dislike us.

    The state of being  in love does not and cannot last.But love endures,if the relationship has been build on a solid,meaningful basis.

    There is a time for advancing and a time for retreating in relationships, just like in the battlefield between cloying togetherness and too much distance.

    Try and restore the sweet little touches that nurture a relationship,after all,love and care the only incentives to keep a couple together!

    Communication is critical to a relationship,talking is important,but even more important is listening to what your partner tells you--through words and even through silences.

    Romance is not an emotion;it's a feeling come and go,the fizzle is inbuilt in the sizzle to romance, steady,dependable love lats forever.